What do you do when you accidentally steal every last one of someone else’s ideas? Straight out of his head? With a sword?
Month: May 2020

The Cosmic Painter | Flash Fiction
There’s a place in the universe where a cosmic squid paints a world upon a canvas of stone and iron. But paint will always flow where it flows.

A Hole in the Horizon | Weird Flash Fiction
Harold enjoys a normal morning walking through the city. From the memories in his pockets to the great hole on the horizon, it’s business as usual as far as he can tell.

The Problem with Celebrating Action Words
A totally unnecessary rant about why celebrating verbs as “action words” is kind of silly. Also, a brief college-level grammar lesson.

That One Time a Fairy Tried to Kill Me in My Sleep | Flash Fiction
About that one time an irritable fairy with a Brooklyn accent tried to kill me in my sleep, and the conversation that ensued afterward.