But be relentlessly real wherever you are and whatever you are doing. Feel honestly. Think honestly. Act honestly.
Month: November 2024

Writing Update! Blogs, Editing, and Other Stuff
The book gets nearer completion, and that’s kind of it. This is information is relayed over the course of approximately 500 words.

Tides and Miracles
How do you turn a tide? You don’t, probably. You just wait for the turning of the tide. The best thing to do is just let it do what it wants.

The Man Who Broke Time | Flash Fiction
Bill found the time not to his liking, so he changed it. Several times. It got to the point where no one knew what time it was anymore.

The Destruction of Ancient Worlds
Consider the dread of its inhabitants as a massive cataclysmic force bears down upon them from the sky and strikes the ground.

Don’t Trust Spiders
Don’t trust spiders. Just don’t. They may look innocent, but their motives are completely inscrutable.

I Remember the Songs of the Stars | Flash Fiction
They sang many things through words that could only be comprehended by the yielding of one’s heart to the song.

Sailing Strange Waters
Shut your eyes, and set sail upon the strange waters beyond waking. Feel you the weaving of dreams by the moon magic.

You Cannot Soar Upon Wings of Dirt
Where your head turns, there will the rest of you follow. Stare not so long at dirt and dust, else that shall be your fate.

Corn and Flame
As fire turns the kernel inside out, so shall it reveal all things.

The Things Beyond the Pulp | Flash Fiction
He set his pen to the paper to trace letters he did not know, and through the ink crawled forth the strange things from beyond the pulp.

Do it. Now.
Do it. Now. You know what that is. Get going right now, and do it as poorly as possible.

On Reading and Being Read
Each mind is an island where only the scarcest forms of communication can be sent or received. As such, reading is weird.

On Fantasy and Escapism – What’s the Point?
Why fantasy? What’s the point? The point is there is no point at all, and that’s what makes it so very valuable.

Do not read this post.
Do not click on, navigate to, or allow your eyes to behold this blog post. It was not meant to be seen. Don’t see it!

Dream of the Midnight Train Conductor | Flash Fiction
Unfortunately, there aren’t actually any trains in this story. Which may be just as well if you don’t like trains.

Lay Aside Your Fear
Lay aside your fear, and trust it not. It does not serve you, for it tells you that you have no power. Instead, trust hope.

John and Clarence Get Stuck in an Elevator | Flash Fiction
When you get stuck in an elevator with your arch-nemesis, what’s the worst that can happen? Especially when your nemesis is named Clarence.

You Don’t Know, So Just Chill
I got something wrong about a Jurassic Park movie, so I’m likely wrong about many other things too. You’re probably wrong too. So chill.

The Daily Writing Practice – How It’s Going
I’ve been writing pretty much every weekday this year, and I’ve managed to learn a thing or two in the process. Also, I have a book coming!