Here’s everything I’ve published!
Steel & Starlight
This tabletop RPG focuses on blending practical design with magic that actually feels fantastical. Employ at-will powers and skills, divine hidden truths through supernatural aptitudes, and survive by your wits in a dangerous realm of villains, monsters, and magic.
I’ve run many games using this system, and I at least feel like it holds up (but that may just be because I wrote it myself). You can get it through the following venues:
Purchase on DriveThruRPG! ($5.99)
Or get it on! ($5.99)
Wells of Power
An old battlefield. A tomb with a buried secret. A mystic cave with primordial secrets. These are places where the strands of fate intersect. These are wells of power.
This is a one-page RPG (front and back) where characters – called Travelers – claim power by exploring and bonding with strange locales. This was created for a game jam one year, and I barely remember it.
Get it on! (Pay what you want)
Halls of Ringing Steel
This modifies the way weapons and armor work in popular games like D&D and Pathfinder. It’s designed primarily for those who want a little more rules-based tactical variety with different weapons and who don’t mind a little extra crunch in their games. Also great for HEMA enthusiasts!
A couple pages of rules I threw together for fun while developing Steel & Starlight. I’ve used it, and it was fun, particularly when anyone gets a chance to yell “RESOUNDING BLOW!”