The Place Where People Walk an Endless Road | Flash Fiction

Original photo by Sebastian Palomino from Pexels

There is a place in the universe where people walk on an endless road, never seeming to get anywhere, but going all the while. At the end of this road looms a great range of mountains rising high into the sky that never seems to draw closer, no matter how far or fast one walks.

Most who walk this road do so as a matter of faith, believing that the walking itself is all that matters. Theirs is a joyful step, and they sing praises to their creator for the privilege alone of making this endless trek.

Others walk briskly, striving to reach the end of the road so that they might dispute the reality of infinity. Their steps are a fevered pace of driven purpose, and many die exhausted by the way, consumed by their goal to the very end.

Still others believe that the road is endless only because it loops around the globe. If one were to walk far enough, they would eventually circle back to where they started. Some of these souls walk quickly to try to prove their theory true, but none live long enough to arrive where they began, let alone reach the distant mountains.

And then there are those few strange souls who walk away from the mountains instead of toward them. These are cheerful sorts who wave at all passersby, earning themselves quizzical looks and the occasional scowl. Some of these sprightly souls speak of oceans of water somewhere beyond. None have confirmed this, for all anyone can see from the road are the mountains ahead and a vast, empty plain behind.

There are occasional conflicts on the road as people overtake one another. They dispute the purpose of the road, why they continue walking, and whether it is truly endless. They find differences between their purposes, their beliefs, and occasionally their directions, but in the end, all walk the same road.

It may be that whatever keeps them walking is good enough.

The Astral Wanderer is brought to you by the roiling, ceaseless nonsense inside my head. It demands sacrifice. A comment or a share will do. Otherwise, it threatens to spew forth all manner of strangeness until the entire universe has gone mad. And nobody wants that. Really.

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