A quick thought on shield walls and protection. In a shield wall, strength in numbers is not additive; it’s multiplicative.
Month: August 2021

The Ways Nature Marks Time
How does nature mark time? By the revolutions of worlds and the changing of seasons, and by that nagging sensation in your gut that says it’s dinner time.

The Tale of One Who Flew the Cuckoo’s Nest
A man flies a cuckoo’s nest like a kite high above a storm next to a city for which he harbors some resentment. It doesn’t crash, until it does.

Obvious Filler Post: Obvious Filler Is Obvious
Insert random description here. It could be about birds. It could be about squirrels. It could be about your deceased great great aunt. Get jiggy with it.

The Place Where Horrid Creatures Dwell
There is a place in the universe where horrid creatures dwell, the twisted remnants of cosmic erasures rolled with the filthy remains of things forgotten.

30 Ways to Ruin a Conversation in Ten Words or Less
Here are thirty entirely subjective ways to ruin a conversation in only ten words or less (ten words or fewer if you feel like being that way).

Stop Wondering if You’re Enough: Part 2 – Soldiers
A continuation of an entirely unwarranted rant about being enough, this time with a discussion of warriors versus soldiers. Also a playful jab at Oprah.

Stop Wondering if You’re Enough: Part 1 – You’re Not
This is an entirely unjustified rant about a trite bit of positivity that people have been spreading around social media lately.

The Place Where the Stones Sing (& Other Locales)
There is a place in the universe where the stones sing everlasting hymns to their creator. Also three other weird and wondrous locales.

The Place Where People Walk an Endless Road | Flash Fiction
There is a place in the universe where people walk an endless road, never seeming to get anywhere, but going all the while.