There is no “Chosen One” in tabletop RPGs. Right? Right?! Okay, but what if there were? How would that work?
Category: Hobbying

The Crowbar Principle of Game Design | TTRPG Tactics
How many uses are there for a crowbar? The only real limit is your imagination.

Hit Points Are Meat Points | TTRPG Tactics
WotC would have you believe that hit points aren’t “meat points.” However, everything else about their system communicates otherwise.

Granularity ≠ Realism | TTRPG Tactics
Often, granularity is added to RPGs in the name of realism. However, realism isn’t the same as detail, nor is it even reliant upon it.

Don’t Use Initiative! | TTRPG Tactics
Ditching initiative can free up players’ minds to think about the game in more creative and practical terms. Here’s how to make that work at your table.

Narrative Combat – Don’t Use Rounds! | TTRPG Tactics
When combat encounters are allowed to emerge from the narration rather than isolated by hard parameters, it creates a thrilling experience.

The Sensibility Rule | TTRPG Tactics
When people try to break the game in absurd ways, one concept ultimately supersedes any exploit – a notion which is here termed “The Sensibility Rule.”

One-Shot Idea: Campaign Interludes | TTRPG Tactics
Do you have players who can’t make it this week? Just need a palate cleanser? Run a one-shot! But not just any one-shot – run a campaign interlude!

The Trap of Convenient Answers | World Building for RPGs
When building worlds for RPGs or stories, cool answers are better than correct answers. Put square pegs into round holes.

Mini Painting and How to Get One’s Self Writing
Odds are, there’s something you do purely for the fun of it. Why not let your writing be fun too?

And Now for Something Completely Different – Miniature Painting!
I enjoy many art forms, not just writing. Lately, I’ve been doing a ton of miniature painting, and I figured I’d share some of my work here.