And Now for Something Completely Different – Miniature Painting!

A bunch of kenchts and their retinue face off against a dragon.

Writing is only one of my hobbies.

The truth is I’ve never met an art form I didn’t at least sort of enjoy. Except painting with tempera paint. Tempera paint is the unholy child of pulverized Tums and that sound that nails make when you scrape them across a chalkboard.

I also really enjoy roleplaying games, and one of the natural intersections of RPGs and art is miniature painting. I want to start sharing stuff about both on here as well as the weird whimsical nonsense I come up with during my somewhat less lucid hours.

So without further ado, here’s a sampling of stuff that I’ve painted since I started miniature painting like a year ago.

A cool elf dude. He has an awesome classic fantasy look to him that I rather like.
A knight with cool black armor and gold trim.
I call these guys The Kettle Hat Squad. Slightly kitbashed.
A couple of ogres. I love how chill the dude on the left is (almost as much as I enjoy the sheer rage from the one on the right).
Some fun skellingtons wearing awesome hoods. Heavily kitbashed. Totally worth the effort.
A ton of lower class soldiers/bandits/whatever. Also, we have The Kettle Hat Squad on the left and some wizards on the right.

That’s just a sample of what I’ve done. If you want to see more of this stuff, like, share, or let me know in the comments!

Like what you see? Think I’m an amateur? You’d be right! Let me know in the comments! Also, share this around. All proceeds go toward rescuing perfectly innocent dragons from bloodthirsty knechts and their retinues. Really.

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