The Eternal Echoes of Words

Words echo. They echo in halls, in canyons, and across mountaintops. The words you speak echo through minds and hearts, reflecting and refracting through the lenses of inner eyes, reverberating throughout the psyches of those who hear you. They leave ripples, and those ripples create small transformations in the thoughts and words and actions of those they affect.

They speak the words that are born from their transformed souls and create echoes. Thus they are echoes themselves – echoes of what you have spoken.

And so the echo continues. The whole world may be changed by the words you speak to another.

What echoes do you create? Is the world better or worse for the words you speak?

Thoughts echo.They echo in the halls of your mind, shaping the words and actions that stem forth from you. The actions of those you influence, however subtly, are an echo of the thoughts in your own mind. The ripples made by those you have shaped will extend beyond your circle, echoing throughout the human race.

What echoes do you create? Is the world better or worse for the thoughts you think?

Deeds echo. Oh, do they echo! Deeds may work toward life or toward death. They may build, or they may destroy. Through deeds, you push against reality, and reality yields, even if only a little, rippling throughout the fabric of the universe and creating a new world for all.

What echoes do you create? Is the world better or worse for the deeds you do?

Consider well the words you speak and the thoughts you think and the deeds you do, for nothing is done in isolation. One way or another, the universe will be shaped by you, and when you leave, there will be a you-shaped hole in it and you-shaped echoes throughout the whole of creation.

One way or another, reality will be changed forever as a result of your having been in it, so it’s probably best you make it a good change, okay?

It is for this reason that you probably ought to go wash the dishes right about now.

The Astral Wanderer is born of a desire to elevate the sanity of its readers by sowing madness. Whether or not this actually works, I’m not sure, but you might as well make an echo by sharing this, no? All proceeds go toward initiatives that help improve the rate at which people wash the dishes in a timely manner. Really.

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