The Simple Power of Thankfulness

silly gratitude list next to a sharpie and a half-eaten pie

Recently, we were all reminded to be grateful in whatever circumstances we may be in.

Today, we’re going to dive into one of the ideas that came up in that discussion, namely that of being grateful in any circumstances. Many readers will remember a certain talk by a certain awesome German fellow, and will therefore find this more in the vein of a reminder than an ideological exploration.

So with that in mind, let’s get started.

The Core of Gratitude

We can easily list things to be grateful for. However, sometimes that act alone sort of falls flat. Not that it doesn’t help—taking time each day to review the good things in your life can have a profound effect on your outlook. However, if gratitude is based merely on things you have or don’t have, we’re missing something.

One can have a thankful outlook regardless of whatever circumstances one might be in. It all begins in realizing that you don’t matter nearly as much as you think you do.

Life in this world is imperfect. You can do everything right, yet still fail. Anything can go wrong, any endeavor can fall apart, and ultimately, you are owed no more good than what may come upon others. Perfectly good people suffer. Perfectly awful people have blinding success. Perfectly bland people are put in charge of marketing. You get the idea.

The essence of gratitude is learning to be okay with all that. It’s recognizing that it’s not your job to mete out judgment, but to simply do good wherever you are. As you do good and expect nothing in return, disappointment becomes a nonissue. Pain is easier to bear because you no longer resist its existence. You accept it and move on.

It doesn’t mean you don’t try to change bad situations or improve things around you. It simply means your efforts to do so are no longer tainted by angst or selfish motives.

The Power of True Thankfulness

One of the great benefits of this type of outlook is that when you let go of the need to have everything happen the way you think it should, every good thing becomes far sweeter. The beauty of this world impresses itself more deeply upon your soul. The minutest of good things that cross your way are counted as the kindest of blessings. Your mind is caught up more frequently in high-flying joy rather than dismal dwelling in bitter despair. You are as free as any mortal being can be because the oppression of misfortune no longer has any hold upon your soul.

With this freedom comes a great deal of power. You find you have greater influence because your motives are no longer centered on yourself. People sense that. They trust that.

You also find you can get up and do what you need to each day without fear and without crushing despair. In a very real way, you become far more diligent than anyone who still focuses on themselves. As you do good, you do it because it is there to be done and it is your due to do it.

Somehow, things tend to work out better. You plow through life with far more convenience. The powers of heaven seem to appreciate someone who doesn’t treat them as an ordering service. That, and they generally try to pave the way for good acts that benefit others.

And to your own heart, all these good things are counted as tender mercies since you anticipate none of them. To your mind, they are merely incidental (yet pleasant) side effects of your natural way of being.

Gratitude and Ensuing Virtues

A thankful mindset is a pure outlook that births other virtues, such as:

  • Humility – you merit nothing of your own self, yet good is given you anyway
  • Kindness – having been graciously given what you don’t really deserve, it’s easier to give freely to others
  • Grace – you no longer feel wronged by misfortune, and you hold up better under pressure
  • Courage – you don’t fear loss, and so there’s less to keep you from bravely doing what’s right
  • Great sense of humor – not sure how this works, but it generally tends to come packaged with these other virtues

In essence, by maintaining this sort of outlook on life, you become a wholly awesome person.

Thoughts? Addenda? Scathing ridicule? Feel free to post it in the comments! Also, you can find additional content in the “Writings” section or on Patreon. All proceeds from this post go toward remedial personality training for that one guy in marketing. Really.

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