Why fantasy? What’s the point? The point is there is no point at all, and that’s what makes it so very valuable.

Do not read this post.
Do not click on, navigate to, or allow your eyes to behold this blog post. It was not meant to be seen. Don’t see it!

Dream of the Midnight Train Conductor | Flash Fiction
Unfortunately, there aren’t actually any trains in this story. Which may be just as well if you don’t like trains.

Lay Aside Your Fear
Lay aside your fear, and trust it not. It does not serve you, for it tells you that you have no power. Instead, trust hope.

John and Clarence Get Stuck in an Elevator | Flash Fiction
When you get stuck in an elevator with your arch-nemesis, what’s the worst that can happen? Especially when your nemesis is named Clarence.

You Don’t Know, So Just Chill
I got something wrong about a Jurassic Park movie, so I’m likely wrong about many other things too. You’re probably wrong too. So chill.

The Daily Writing Practice – How It’s Going
I’ve been writing pretty much every weekday this year, and I’ve managed to learn a thing or two in the process. Also, I have a book coming!

The Tale of Telli Maple | Flash Fiction
A nice, perfectly innocent story about a girl and her favorite hobby – popping newt eyes between her fingers.

How to Actually Write Every Day – Reflections on Daily Writing
One of the keys to writing every day is to set out to create useless garbage. Takes the pressure off. Other things help too, of course.

There Is No “Chosen One” in D&D… Right? | TTRPG Tactics
There is no “Chosen One” in tabletop RPGs. Right? Right?! Okay, but what if there were? How would that work?

The Crowbar Principle of Game Design | TTRPG Tactics
How many uses are there for a crowbar? The only real limit is your imagination.

Fun with Freewrites! Again!
More freewritten nonsense! And this time with a dash of horror thrown in! What fun! Proceed with caution.

Don’t feed Rolos to dead people
After all, they really don’t have the strength to be chewing through nonsense like that.

The Hassle of Having Wings | Flash Fiction
Having a pair of enormous wings is really more trouble than it’s worth, and not only because you risk becoming a freak show attraction.

Fun With Freewrites!
Reading the results of stream-of-consciousness writing is not for the faint of heart or the serious of mind. You have been warned.

Armor Class Is Realistic | TTRPG Tactics
Some people modify armor class to make it more realistic. Truth is, AC actually does a fairly good job of simulating medieval combat as is.

Hit Points Are Meat Points | TTRPG Tactics
WotC would have you believe that hit points aren’t “meat points.” However, everything else about their system communicates otherwise.

Granularity ≠ Realism | TTRPG Tactics
Often, granularity is added to RPGs in the name of realism. However, realism isn’t the same as detail, nor is it even reliant upon it.


The Eternal Echoes of Words
Every word you speak, every thought you think, every deed you perform will create an echo that will outlast you. Might as well make the best of it, no?